Iphone 6

How to Know Our Own Mobile Number

Nowadays people used to keep so many sims with them for specific purpose. There are several reasons for having more than one sim, and as a human being it’s quiet natural to...

How To Protect Your Android Smartphone From Virus And Malware

Android from Google is considerably the world’s most popular mobile operating system, so if you are an owner of a smartphone or tablet that isn’t made by Apple, it almost certainly...

How to Run Two or Multiple Whatsapp Account on Your Android Phone

WhatsApp is one of the most popular real time multimedia messenger app that also lets you share pictures, videos, music files and so on. By now, imagination of smartphone without WhatsApp...

How to Restart Our Android Phone in Safe Mode

Do you know that we can restart our Android phone in safe mode much like our WINDOWS computer? The Step to follows are very simple, Just press and hold the Power...

Android Device With These Secret Codes !

Our Android device holds a large amount of information about its hardware and system that an average user might find difficult to access. But if you know Android's Secret Codes, you can factory-reset your device,...